Sunday, May 23, 2010

wow! TONS of views!

So I just checked my views, and apparently in just 3 days I went from 194 views (weird that I remembered it exactly, I know, hehe) to about 270! That's incredible! Thank you so much, to whomever is reading this constantly haha. It really means a lot :)
I got a post on my formspring, too, where someone was complaining (in a good sense) because i accidenally changed the URL for my blog, so they couldn't read it. Well, I fixed it. The URL is back to ! :)


  1. hey this is your favorite brother. and im kinda confused as to why your "stuck in maryland"... do you not like us anymore?

  2. haha no, Hunter. I love you all still :)
    but my head is getting too big for this tiny little town. xP
    I need to move on to like, New York City. visit me anytime you want :D
