The weird part about the prom though, is that it's at a train, what the hell haha. Last year, it was at the Aquarium, so that must have been gorgeous! But, trains? Really? Oh well, haha. I don't really care. :)
I have a hair appointment for 12:30 today, which isn't great because prom isn't until 5, haha. Well, at least I got an appointment :)
And I FINALLY picked out the style, like 10 minutes ago!

As for my dress, I found the perfect over one a month ago :)

I haven't shown my boyfriend my dress yet, haha it feels like a wedding or something. I want him to be very surprised! I can't help but feel tonight is going to be perfect. I'm just getting that vibe :)
Haha, and Victor says he's going to wear a top hat. Yeah right xP
I'm also going to my first high school party, haha. And don't worry, I doubt there's drinking involved, even though I'm partying with seniors and juniors xP
Yeahh, I'm the only freshman in the group, naturally. So that makes me a little uncomfortable. But I'm sort of friends with some people in the group. Plus, I'll have Victor, so it'll all be good :)
Well I need to get going now, gonna go play some Wii before I get my hair all did :D I'll hopefully put up some pictures either tomorrow night or Monday afternoon. Can't wait! ♥
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