My grandfather makes me smile. He's somewhere in his late 80's I think, and he's almost always drunk. And whenever he visits, he brings big bags of gummy bears for my sister and me :)
So today, Victor came over and met my grandfather Stan for the first time, haha. It was so awkward! Victor and I were just standing in our kitchen for about 10 minutes, while my grandfather told me, "You look so marvelous! You used to be an ugly kid, but now, look at you! You've changed so much since I last saw you..."
Note to self: The last time he saw me was 2 months ago. Hahaha, I couldn't be offended, though, when he basically said I was ugly a couple months ago.
Then, he went off on Victor because he was wearing a hat inside, haha. Ahw. How cute are drunken, tempermental old people?
Currently, my grandpa is screaming "He didn't even burn his dick off!" and talking about killing pirates... Oh, Stan. :)
He used to call me Pocohontas, even though I'm half asian..haha. I love him :)